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Astrophysics student: Need creative personal website domain!? - Printable Version

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Astrophysics student: Need creative personal website domain!? - Ekaterina - 11-27-2012 07:00 AM

My name is Ekaterina but I go by Kat and I'm an astrophysics undergraduate student at UNC and need to set up a personal website to link my CV, etc. This is the website I'll be puting on my businesscard (I work in a research lab). I have a Russian last name that's difficult to spell and don't want that to be a source of confusion. I also wanted something quirky and spacey but everything sounds kind of tacky. My current twitter is @spacegirlkat. I feel like that might be a bit unprofessional. Still I would like to have space, cosmo, cosmonaut, in it, maybe even along the lines of "katsobservatory"... Any ideas??

- Iris - 11-27-2012 07:08 AM

Make sure there aren't restrictions on the style of email and handle you use on a professional level. I've worked with various scientific laboratories, as well as universities, and they usually want the initial of the first name followed by the last name, or part of the last name. I know you're wanting something quirky, but believe me you need something professional.