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My friend is depressed .. Please help ? - Printable Version

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My friend is depressed .. Please help ? - xoxoxo - 11-27-2012 07:01 AM

my friend has depression/anxiety. I have always been there for her. I listen, offer my support and just be there for her. I was the one who told the counselor when she started cutting herself so she could get help.

But whenever I don't know how to respond to what she tells me she tells me that I don't care about her and that she should just leave me alone. I do care. I really do want her to get better .. It's just sometimes I don't know what to say when she tells me all her secrets.

She posts things on twitter and Facebook about how no one is there for her. She sends me screen shots of simple things that other friends say to her saying how much they mean to her. I say the same things every day to her and she gets mad at me for not caring enough.

It's so hard to help her. She piles all her secrets on me, but she isn't there when I need someone to talk to. She gets mad when I don't text her back right away, yet it's fine for her to ignore me for entire days. she makes me feel stupid and she always assumes that I won't understand what she's talking about even if I do. She talks to me in a sarcastic 'I'm better than you' type of tone.

I don't know what to do. If I take a break from helping her and stop talking to her I'm worried she'll go back to cutting herself. I don't want her to go back to being suicidal and I don't want her to do anything she'll regret.

please help me, someone

- ( M ) - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

Try to convice your friend camly