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How can I get him off my mind? - Printable Version

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How can I get him off my mind? - Caroline - 11-27-2012 07:01 AM

I know my ex and I are completely over, and he was my first love and everything. But I just can't seem to get him off my mind and I don't know what to do. I image things allll the time and don't know how to stop, they make me weak.

- Joe - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

Meet someone new, only way to forget... Big Grin
Good Luck!

- Clone93 - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

Time and distance. Delete his number, unfriend him from facebook, stop following him on twitter. And don't speak to him in reality. After about two weeks he'll be a fading thought.

- Soul Prophet - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

The very first thing u need to do is let go of hope of this working out. It’s clear that he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. You need this space in order to get over him, i know you care about him but you can’t have him in your life and move on at the same time. give yourself 30 days of no contact, ideally 90 days. Talking to your ex boyfriend will not help you get over him whatsoever. In fact, it’ll only make things worse. Checking up on him on facebook and twitter is simply self-torture. Stop doing it. Block him on facebook so you can’t follow him, remove him from your newsfeed, do the same on twitter and any other places that remind you of him.

In the meantime, focus on the bad things about him and all the reasons that you dont want to be with him anymore. This will reaffirm the fact that he’s not right for you and make it easier to move on. it will reaffirm the fact that he’s not the person you want to be in a relationship with. this may not feel natural at first but it will stop you from sulking and moping about the loss.

These are just a couple tips that i think will help you. I'll include a link for you in my source box.

- hissingspark999 - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

DON'T meet someone new. My ex did that with me, and well... that didn't end well (obviously). Do things that you didn't normally do with him that you enjoy doing. Find new things to do. Do things you DIDN'T DO WITH HIM. It distracts you, gives you something to think about, and you won't have to think he should be there with you, doing that with you, since you never had him there with you, doing that before.

Trust me, personal experience. If you just date someone else, then they will be your rebound guy and nobody wants to be a rebound. That's disrespectful to that guy and it'll only hurt you worse in the end because my ex was a mess when he told me that we had to go on break because he still loved his ex. So take it from someone who's actually been on both ends, meeting someone else does NOT work.