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Can I get in trouble at school for my Twitter posts? - Printable Version

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Can I get in trouble at school for my Twitter posts? - ADHDiva - 11-27-2012 07:01 AM

Can I get in any trouble from my school if NONE of my tweets are about the school or any of the administration, I'm not cyber bullying anybody, I have no pictures of me doing anything illegal, and nothing I post is from a school computer or while I'm at school? My 'bio' doesn't even say what school I attend.
I'm a senior at a relatively small school in California (maybe 600 students at the most, not even 150 in my class) and I was told I need to "clean it up or make it private".
Basically, I don't take the internet or any social networking site seriously, and just post random things. The school decided to look at it since I was voted "queen of social networking" for our yearbook. I'll admit I drop the f bomb quite often and use a lot of profanity, but no one has ever said anything about my twitter offending them. Everyone who follows me knows I'm kidding about 98% of the things I post.
I'll joke about stupid things like doing hardcore drugs, such as meth acid or heroin, but everyone knows its sarcasm. Because I don't do drugs. I've never gotten in trouble at school, I've always had good grades, and I'm also in 2 varsity sports (which aren't in season right now).
I've never said anything mean directly to someone at my school, or even indirectly about someone at my school. I get along with pretty much all my classmates and I have no issues with anybody.

Someone asked, "well is your twitter really that important to you?" and no, twitter isn't that important to me but my 1st amendment rights, freedom of speech, are. So can I get in trouble for simply just saying inappropriate things that have nothing to do with the school or anyone who goes there?
I don't think I ever claimed to be mature.. It's not a rant, there's clearly a question if you read it.
I'm not asking you how you feel about what I'm doing or what I should change, I'm asking if there's any way I could be in trouble with my school.

- jon_mac_usa_007 - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

You sound amazingly both immature and arrogant for a HS senior. So is there really a Q here or is this more likely just a freedom of speech rant .

- borbor - 11-27-2012 07:09 AM

Sounds like you already have a situation on your hands. Joking about hard drugs and other "stupid" things could be misconstrued by some people. I suggest you stop that type of "humor" until you graduate, at least.