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To add the eBay Widget to facebook? - Printable Version

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To add the eBay Widget to facebook? - thankfulplane576 - 11-27-2012 07:01 AM

- YungMc - 11-27-2012 07:10 AM

Designing a Facebook store is hard to do. But I know someone on called deshinali. You can search her up. She does brilliant of those.

- Cry Baby Obama - 11-27-2012 07:10 AM

To add the eBay Widget: Sign into your Facebook account. Search EBAY WIDGET in the applications search box. Follow the steps.

Build your friends list. Invite all your friends, clients, family, co-workers, customers, or neighbors. The bigger your friends list is, the more more potential customers you will reach.

Connect with your friends and network on a regular basis. Don't just build a huge list and wait for others to contact you. Be active by leaving comments on pictures, vidoes, writing on walls, sending messages, sending friend requests, etc. Leave general comments just to get your name in front of an audience. Don't just leave ads.

Join groups and participate in them. (Look for groups with large numbers of members.) If you sell a specific product or service, join groups that relate to your product. For example, if you sell books, join reading groups. If you sell music DVDs, join movie discussion groups or celebrity fan club groups. If you sell clothing or makeup, join fashion groups.

Start your own group. If you don't see a group that fits your needs, start your own.

Use and experiment with applications. There are thousands of applications you can add to your profile. Be careful not to overload your page - you don't want your profile to look cluttered and junky. A busy page just confuses people. Pick applications that will amplify your message. Take time searching for applications that relate to your business.

Be active and participate. This is the key to making Facebook work for you. Sign in a few times a week, visit your friends pages and post comments. Visit your groups and ask and answer questions. Leave groups that aren't active, and join new groups. Visit your friends' and contacts' blogs and leave comments. The more active you are, the more people will see you and check out your links. Networking is about participating and reaching out - not pushing your products at people. Facebook is a great place to put your eBay store link in front of millions of people, absolutely free!

Read more: How to Use Facebook to Increase eBay Sales |

- abraXus - 11-27-2012 07:10 AM

you cant use widgets on facebook because it does not allow for HTML

the closest thing you could do (assuming you own your own hosting site) is to create an iframe app that has the widget in it... but that's complicated and it costs money