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PLEASE HELP???? PLEASE? - Chimper - 10-03-2012 01:25 PM

Do you think that he likes me at all?
There is a celebrity that i have been following on Twitter for a few years now. I met him on Twitter when he was popular but didn't really have a following at that time. He's gained more popularity since and has a bigger following now. Anyhow, when I met him he would flirt with me and reply to my twitter messages. Then as he became more popular, he grew distant and hardly ever replied. I wasn't surprised and I also got too busy to message so I left it. He was a lot more active when I messaged him, but when I took a break, his activity also dropped. When I came back, he became more active again. I should add that he is married to a woman who he got pregnant with before marriage. Recently, I made a comment to which he took offence and he blocked me so I couldn't message him. Then I made another account and after a few weeks, he blocked me again. He never blocks anyone - not even the people that swear at him. Finally, I stopped messaging him at all then he started sending all of these depressed sad messages about him being lonely and updating his status quoting songs like Elvis's are you lonesome tonight do you miss me tonight. I'm not going to lie - I like him a lot. So I finally wrote to him and asked if he was okay and said that he was really cruel to block me like that. He replied back and said that he appreciated the love and that he blocked me because he couldn't read the other messages that were being sent to him. He never replies and if he does, he does it rarely. I think it was his way of apologizing...and then he started sending cheerful updates.
Do you think that he actually likes me?
woops wrong category, sorry - but if you have a second please let me know what you think?

- Klotzcon - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

Dear profound logical liberal?

To clear out some of its overstocked inventory, Garden Rite is holding a special sale on its selection of potted plants. Five people (including Ike) decided to take advantage of the sale this morning, and each bought a different type of potted plant. From the following clues, can you determine the order in which each person bought his or her plant?

1. The five customers are Lola (who bought the cactus plant), the person who chose the impatiens plant, Olivia, the person who was first in line, and the one who was third in line.

2. The fifth customer purchased the ivy plant.

3. Eric, who didn't make the first purchase, bought the geranium plant.

4. Gary, who wasn't the second one in line, didn't choose the petunia plant.

No answer.. no Logic..

- Dodge 52 - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

No, he does not like you

- Damon Lyon - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

No, I actually don't.

Of course, I didn't read that huge paragraph that you put *and left* in the wrong category, but hey, you asked for opinions, right?

- jimbo - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

Prolly not. That's reality. He's married. You're not in the same area.

- Marq - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

You have a weird obsession

- Fairy - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

Oh please, that guy is already married. Do you want to be the reason of a couple's separation ? Or u wanna be a mistress? Try finding a SINGLE person.

- Joel Gardberg - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

You are star struck and guilty of idolizing. Stick with guys in your town or city that are more like you.

- Isabella - 10-03-2012 01:33 PM

I don't know.. maybe.. maybe not.. Life is a crazy thing we are in Wink