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What's your strategy on getting more followers on Twitter? - Printable Version

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What's your strategy on getting more followers on Twitter? - Tyrone Nyema - 10-03-2012 01:30 PM

Anybody answers this question properly will make me choose your answer as the best.

- victoriouscrowd312 - 10-03-2012 01:38 PM

Focus on Tweeple Retention- Before you begin trying to acquire new followers, you need to focus on keeping the ones you already have. Because if you’re like me, you go through the list of people you’re following regularly to see if there is anyone you can weed out. Make sure you’re not one of those people getting dropped by being a valuable member of the community. Engage with your followers, and discuss topics that are interesting to them.

Promote Your Twitter Page on Your Website- One way to get more attention for your Twitter profile is to treat it the way you would any other website. You have to promote it. The first step is to link to it from your website and blog. A nice sidebar with a button saying something like “Follow me on Twitter” is an effective way to get visitors from your website to your Twitter profile.

Get Listed in Twitter Directories- Just like with your personal website, you want to get your Twitter profile listed in directories also. Sites like Just Tweet It and TwitDir make it easy for you to list your profile in relevant categories. While this won’t generate a sudden surge in followers, it will help you maintain your visibility over time.

4. Add People- If you want to entice people to add you, add them first. Every time you decide to follow someone, a message is sent to their email alerting them of your add. There’s a good chance they’ll visit your profile to check you out, and if they’re interested in what they see, they’ll add you back. Simple enough, right? Of course, you want to make sure you aren’t just blindly adding random people. Remember, you have to follow these people so you want to make sure they’re interesting to you.

Tweet Regularly- You can never expect your Twitter profile to gain any attention if you don’t Tweet regularly. I understand that maintaining a Twitter account can be time-consuming, but if you want the benefit of more followers, you have to be willing to post on a regular basis. Post at least a few times a day with quality content to maintain your visibility.

Create Tweet Bait- One of the best ways to get a sudden spike in Twitter followers is to create a post that begs to be retweeted. It’s just like link bait, but for Twitter. So, what kind of Tweets are bait worthy? Anything from controversial opinions to open ended compelling questions to Twitter based contests can spread like wildfire in the perfect storm.

Be a Resource- If you’re using Twitter for professional reasons, this is something you should already be striving toward. You need to establish yourself as a leading authority in your field. How do you do this? By keeping your Tweets relevant; giving insight into hot industry topics; linking out to other great resources; and engaging thoughtfully into user-generated discussions about your industry.

Find a Unique Use for Your Twitter Account- Instead of using your Twitter account just to shoot out occasional meaningless updates, consider finding a unique use for it. For instance, maybe you can use your Twitter profile as a live one-on-one customer service tool. Or, you could use it as a forum for generating public opinion polls for your in-development products. If you can figure out a creative way to make your Twitter account truly unique, you’ll build a solid base of followers.

- Mr.L - 10-03-2012 01:38 PM

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