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What is a Blog ? or a Twitter ? How do you get on to it and what advantage doe it offer? - Printable Version

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What is a Blog ? or a Twitter ? How do you get on to it and what advantage doe it offer? - Oswald W - 10-03-2012 01:31 PM

Yes I am a very old Senior Citizen admittedly, but I feel left behind with all these developments coming up before being properly explained. How can I find help ?

- zoliky - 10-03-2012 01:39 PM

Twitter is a micro-blog. You can write a short message, like a SMS and the people receive your message.

- Sam - 10-03-2012 01:39 PM

a blog is a page on a website where you write about things that are going on in your life. You can make a blog on myspace ( for both of these sites you need to set up an account

- Evil Shadow - 10-03-2012 01:39 PM

blog -

Twitter -

creating a blog with Blogger -

How to make a Twitter account -

- bee - 10-03-2012 01:39 PM

A Blog is like an online diary of sorts- but it can be on a range of things, from just your general day to day ramblings, to writing about a specific topic only, to writing stories and blogging them to see how they are recieved (Which is an advantage in itself). Other advantages of blogging are just being able to spill thoughts you are unable to share with others, or sharing and reading information on blogs that inculde topics you are interested in. There are blogs on a variety of subjects such as politics, fashion etc.

Twitter is a social networking tool- basically people write a series of short, status updates e.g "Have just been to see Nine at the cinema, brilliant! I reccomend it" etc. I guess this just keeps people in touch with what their friends are doing...also many celebrities twitter, and its a nice insight to their lives, personalities and being able to see them as " normal people"

- Luke - 10-03-2012 01:39 PM

Well, a blog is like an online journal you update. Many people write blogs for many different reasons. Some write for personal reasons, some write to help people learn about specifics, and some write hoping to become famous! You can write a blog free by Blogger, this is supported by Google.
Twitter is very simple. It's like FoxNews or CNN, but 10x faster! All you do is follow someone you want to learn about, and within minutes you can know almost everything about that person. It's quite fun! For starters, you can add me if you want! just type in: lukeslife. Good luck!