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Why do demons haunt certain people but not others? - Printable Version

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Why do demons haunt certain people but not others? - AnnoyingMastermind557 - 12-03-2012 05:36 PM

My family, husband and two young children were haunted by a demon, we had a catholic priest bless our home, and it was gone and our home was happy again. Now I believe my home to be haunted once again. What is drawing this negative things towards us and our home? We are a very happy family, I could emphasize how happy I am with life. We are not religious. What is drawing this to us? How do we keep ourselves safe?
ty, all very helpful. And yes, we are from Pennsylvania
During the first haunting, I would say I was the weakest one. My husband barely felt fear but moreso anger towards what was happening in the house. The other family next door were horribly fearful. It did bother my son and any friends and their children whom spent the night. Mostly affected me. I felt like I was loosing my mentality and going crazy during the two days before the house was blessed. It knew that my husband was leaving for the military and i would be alone with my son and i believe I was the target for most of the fear. As soon as the blessing was done my head was back to normal. I just fear that if it comes back I would suffer the same as before. We can always call the priest and his team back, so thats what we may do

- always.l0ve - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

Some people are more sensitive to sensing them. Especially children.

Find a charismatic or pentecostal christian pastor... he will yell at the demon directly and tell him to get out! I've seen this work many times.

Outside of religion, I don't know what to tell you. My friend lives in a house with demons and everytime she sees it or senses it she prays and it seems to go away.

- Shenaynay - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

Have you noticed that only people that believe in demons are bothered by them? Real things don't require belief to exist.

- GreenOwl - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

Happiness does not mean demons will not come after you.. that's just like saying you're a good person and you'll never get robbed or hurt. If you believe in demons then you must believe and have faith in God, and a relationship with Him directly. Pray to Him and ask him to guide and protect you and your family and to rid the demon. But also pray with honest sincerity..from the heart.

- Loo - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

you could try putting sea salt in all corners of every room. ive been told some are just bullies and need to be put in their place.

- Gary Y - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

You should join your local skeptics group. Demons, ghosts and other spooks NEVER bother skeptics.

Funny, that.

- Tim M - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

Some say that demons are attracted to the weak and the wounded. Its hard to know exactly why one would choose one family or individual over another but it could be a contributing factor that if there is some disharmony or dysfunction within your family or possibly a health issue , it could attract such dark forces to you and your family. That you are a happy family could also be as attractive to them as well. I would try and seek out a paranormal investigative team to investigate your home. They can do a through investigation as well as verify your claims and help to determine if it actually some type of demon or just a dark and pesky ghost of some sort.There is a big difference. Usually a demon wants to possess an actual individual and a haunting is what the whole family experiences. Either way they can cause a great amount of stress in your life. See if you cannot search the internet for a group within your state that can assist you. Once they determine what it actually is they can put you in contact with those who are skilled at ridding such beings from your home. Good luck.

- john - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

Like I said in another answer, it's often said that perception is a function of preconception. In other words, those who believe in ghosts or demons will be more likely to interpret a shadow, dream, a household knocking sound, or an auditory hallucination as a haunting. This is why evil spirits never seem to bother those who don't believe in them.

- Dr.Nice Guy - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

It does seem that demons are attracted to silly people and nut jobs. Some loony tunes actually say they astral project and combat evil demons armed only with a crucifix.
When a person stops believing in silly things and paying attention to foolish wackos, their demon problems disappear.

- Dr.Nice Guy - 12-03-2012 05:44 PM

Forgive, I mean no disrespect when I ask this, but... are you it's a demon? and maybe not just an unhappy spirit? Again, I mean no disrespect. Just that sometimes people misinterpret the signs. they sense *something* and become afraid and assume it's something bad, when sometimes it's just a spirit trying to get attention.

But in general, demons tend to be attracted to negative things. Is someone in the family suffering from depression? PTSD? Anything like that? They're also attracted to those who are sensitive to the spirit world.

How to keep yourselves safe.... don't use religious items, like crosses or anything. It angers them, because it IS a threat to them, and the nasty ones will challenge you to have the faith to stand behind the item. This one comes from personal experience. It just tends to make things worse. Religious stuff really only works if you're actually religious.

Another simple way--surround your house in white light.. Just close your eyes and imagine your house surrounded by blinding white light. It fills every nook and cranny of the house and then extends a couple of feet out from the house on all sides, including beneath the earth.

Frankincense. It's a religious incense, but you don't have to BE religious to use it. It's very good for cleansing the house of negative energy and creating a positive, light filled atmosphere. I buy sticks of it off for relatively cheap. You can find it in most Catholic supply stores, so that priest might be able to tell you where to get some, but the stores will likely only sell the resin, which I find difficult to burn. You need a burner and charcoal disks to burn it on, and the burner is going to get *really* hot, so you need somewhere fireproof to set the burner. I just find the sticks easier all around. If you do buy some, burn some (a stick, say) everyday until you no longer need it (go with your gut, when things ease up and you feel safe again).

Ummm...what else.. Oh candles. White candles. Burn those daily as well.

you might also consider contacting a local spiritualist church and having them check the house for portals. If you have repeated problems, there might be one open in the house. This happens to me from time to time and the activity in the house always increases. In fact, I had a demon in the house when we first moved into it, and no matter what i did, it kept coming back. It was later discovered it kept coming back b/c there was a doorway open in our garage that it was using. Once I got rid of the demon and closed that doorway, I haven't had any problems since.

Oh. And angels. I'm a big believer of angels. you see them in religion, but you don't have to BE religious to use them. They're not religious. Angels are for everybody, regardless of beliefs. You could call Archangel MIchael. Ask him to guard and protect your house. Personally, I use the prayers on this page:

What you could do is simply cut out the one to God and just say the ones to Michael. Now, you'll often see people listing "prayers" to Michael, but you don't really need to pray to him. He's not God, he doesn't want or like to be worshiped. He would actually prefer you *not* pray to him. He says you just have to ask him for what you want. Most people assume that because he's an angel and 'up in heaven' that you would need to pray to get his attention. When really, what matters with these "prayers" are the words you're saying and the intention behind them. So you don't have to think of them as prayers, but more simply asking him for help. Gosh I hope that makes sense. I'm having trouble describing an emotion and it's caught on the tip of my tongue.

Ummm... that's all I can think of, off the top of my head. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Good luck. <3