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What does the media think is important for society by what they focus on and report on the news? - Printable Version

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What does the media think is important for society by what they focus on and report on the news? - Koko 90 - 12-03-2012 09:42 PM

- Skeptic - 12-03-2012 09:50 PM

"[The world's power elite] primary means for establishing control are through promoting fear, secrecy, and polarization, and through distracting people from their deeper purpose in life."

Personally, I believe that media reflects the bias and interests of major media.

See Noam Chomsky if you don't believe me.

- Smart Kat - 12-03-2012 09:50 PM

Apparently a minor accident with a famous sports figure is more important than the massacre of 4 people at a Thanksgiving dinner! A 6r old was shot as she slept in bed. The killer shot his own twin sisters, one of them pregnant and his 76 yr old aunt! The killer is still on the loose and many have not heard about it because the media has been obsessing on Tiger Woods and the White House party crashers!

- Jack - 12-03-2012 09:50 PM

I agree with the first answer but cant be asked to write on that.

another important focus is MONEY! ]media outlets r used as a basis of "free market" capitalism i.e all media industries are used to generate revenue for organisations\..the elite/s use their tremendous wealth and pwerr to increase their onw socio-economic status, manifest consumer culture and consumption universally(globalization) and so r expandin their prosperous economy. look at CNN. the news is very repetitive and shallow nd there is much advertising intrusion and heavy sponsorship primarily for the US, let alone the constant financial reports. their successful commerical marketing involves strategies founded upon detailed knowledge of product and audience and thus stimulating interest and appeal. constant advertising of trips to malysia and and other exotic countries are followed by credit loans. this is the basis of western economic and social structures. happiness and personal fulfillment is seen to be achieved through constant accumulation of wealth and posessions. this is commercial advertising of an unobtainable lifestyle and just generates attitudes of dissatisfaction, ungratefulness and a society with a ''throw away money'' mentality. this is all to the avail of the elite. the aim is to scapegoat real news and focus on commercial advertising and increasing appeal ofpopular culture. (like the guy above me who affirms my point. the focus is much more on popular culture items i.e lifestyle and affairs of the rich and infamous celebrities rather than hard news. the media provides information and entertainment, with the former seeming to subside. infotainment is all you get.)