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Help! I hate my new school? - Printable Version

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Help! I hate my new school? - Hollie - 12-03-2012 10:07 PM

So I started this new school about six weeks ago because it's five minutes' walk away from my house, whereas my previous school was a forty minute drive. It made sense to move and I guess I just sort of assumed that I'd settle in and make new friends quite easily and I wouldn't miss my old friends that much.

On the first couple of days, I got 'buddied up' with a few girls who were okay, but I found them a little irritating. On the third day, I hung out with another group of girls who I kind of knew through a friend from my old school. They were very nice and funny and although I felt a little awkward at times I still enjoyed their company and think they're genuinely nice people. I ate lunch with them again the next day and felt the same. On my fifth day there another girl asked me to eat lunch with her and her friends, I agreed and told the other girls that I wouldn't be eating with them that day.

Now, these new 'friends' weren't really my kind of people. They can be funny but they're chavvy and tacky and are always involved in some kind of drama. Some of them drink and have sex and I'm really against that but it's not really my place to say. About four of them actually talked to me while I was blanked by the others. I spend most of my lunchtimes on my phone or ipod tweeting or texting because I don't want to talk to them. A couple of these girls follow me on twitter, and silly little me decided it would be a good idea to tweet about not liking people at school. They didn't take it well and now I've kind of made it up with one of them, but the other is very angry with me and now most of the group have turned against me.

I feel like I'm stuck with these people and I'd really rather be with the people I was hanging out with before, either of those groups would be better than this, but I feel like if I just leave then a) my current 'friends' will think I'm scared of them and really start to hate me and b) the other girls might feel a bit used because I just left them at the beginning and now just expect them to have me back.

I really miss my friends from my old school and although I still see them, it's not enough. My mum won't let me move back there so that's not an option.

I try so hard not to care what other people think of me, so maybe I should just eat lunch alone so they'll see that I'm too good for them?

Any advice would be wonderful! Thank you all ever so much!xoxo

- ಠ_ಠ - 12-03-2012 10:15 PM

Starting at new schools is hard! Mainly when you don't know anyone! What you need to do is go to the mean girls. (That's what I'll call them. They seem really rude.) Explain why you don't like the people at school. If you REALLY like them, try to sugar coat them. Ex:
"Oh, I just started school and it's kind of hard to find a group of friends like the ones at my old school. I didn't mean to offend you all."
However if you don't like them, turn the cheek and go to the other girls. Explain to them you were just trying to find a group of genuine friends. Don't sit alone because the mean girls will try to start drama.
Also if any of the girls try to make you prove yourself to them, it's not worth it.
Have fun and be careful! Social networks cause the MOST drama!