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which do you prefer? myspace/bebo/facebook/faceparty.....? - Printable Version

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which do you prefer? myspace/bebo/facebook/faceparty.....? - TMFULP. - 12-04-2012 01:16 AM

which do you prefer & why?

- teenyfaucet218 - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM

Facebook seems the current weapon of choice and as most are using that one, I tend to follow, wool flapping in the breeze as I trot along behind the rest.

Myspace is now old-hat (madly, as doesn't seem old) and no longer seems to be where the likes of Apple (with i-like etc.) are supporting. If the advertising industry is using the likes of Facebook in a major way to get hold of the market share audience, that is where the majority will end up. The application (things that can be added to specific web-sites) numbers will only increase with those companies supported by the money, however much others prefer the layout etc. of the others.

Time will tell, although no doubt give it another year or so there will be another "Market Leader" and the sheep will wander off elsewhere.

- Glowing - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM

its the best by far
the rest are just shit myspace wannabees

- Sophie C - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM

myspace Smile
but youtube's good too

- Cinema City - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM


- Elaine D - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM

i like myspace the best - probably because i've used it the longest and it seems to be more flexible in terms of what you can do.

But i also have accounts with bebo and facebook

- hauntedtreehouse - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM

It's like Friendster, MySpace, and Facebook.

Incredibly addictive.

- ♥Linda♥ - 12-04-2012 01:24 AM

none... i like using Friendster, though. i think it is because it doesn't so complicated and u will get used to it in a short time and u get to do everything u wanted with a simple click.