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My girl crush seems to have forgotten about me. Help? - Printable Version

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My girl crush seems to have forgotten about me. Help? - Sunshine on a Cloudy Day - 12-04-2012 06:17 AM

So there was this girl (Girl A) who went to high school with my friend (Girl B). I think what happened was that I added Girl A randomly one day on Facebook a few years ago, she accepted, and we started talking, not only on Facebook, but on other things too, like AIM and texting because I have her old AIM screenname and an old number for her in my phone. Either this, or Girl B had Girl A's AIM & gave it to me (and then I may have ended up adding Girl A on Facebook by becoming friendly with her & asking her for her Facebook name) because Girl B always had a list of AIM's on her/up her sleeve because she loved to prank people on there.

I remember my friend (Girl B) telling me bad things about Girl A, but I ignored them/didn't totally believe them. Girl B has said things like that Girl A is a pothead, a lesbian, and that she deleted Girl Aa on Facebook. A few years ago on AIM, Girl B also said that Girl A said I was cute at one point.

This is such a problem because I recently came across Girl A's Tumblr blog, tried to remind her of me and Girl B so we can start talking again & maybe hook up sometime, but then Girl A said she doesn't remember us & has no idea about what I'm talking about....

I really DO think I've talked to this girl I like in the past because, hey, how else could I have gotten her # and AIM? I never use reverse lookups & stuff like that.

She was the last one to reply, when she said she doesn't remember us...I'm not completely sure if its right to mention the ''sensitive'' details (like her sexuality) on her blog. I know the # I have for her is old because it didn't work when I tried to call her & she got rid of her Facebook...

So, how may I be able to steer this in the right direction & have a good conversation with Girl A? I want to get to know her more. I have a crush on her! Like what should I reply to her?
@Caleb: No. I'm bi, and like it. Period.

- Caleb - 12-04-2012 06:25 AM

Turn from women and turn to Christ, that is the only way to be saved from Hell.

- Emilya - 12-04-2012 06:25 AM

Just try and go for it. There's nothing better to do than try. Try to take it slow though. Maybe shes not that sure or comfortable with her sexuality yet. It takes some people more time to accept themsleves than others. Take it slow and talk to her about how shes doing. Make her feel special and be sure to be kind to her an respedt what she wants. You should also tell her how you feel after a while. Just take it from there and see how it goes. I really hope it works out for you because I can totaly realate to this kind of thing Tongue

- Thomas - 12-04-2012 06:25 AM

Just be a slut she will go for it