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how to increase facebook fans? - Printable Version

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how to increase facebook fans? - Sharon Moore - 12-04-2012 06:19 PM

well, actually I've created a blog for myself and built a group on my facebook recently, the problem is i don't know how to increase in the number of Facebook fans,any good ways? thanks.

- Roe - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

b famous

- Soufian Ouarghi - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

give out free prizes

and dont send them

- kate depth - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

Open up your networking.
I believe in word of mouth too, good luck

- Mel Harrah - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

Having Facebook fan pages can really be a boost to your website traffic and resulting increased revenue. Fan pages are a great way to build a more intimate relationship with fans and to let them know about new and different things you are doing.

Here are the tips I could share you on how to increase your facebook fans:

1. Have price cut incentives, like coupons that are only given via message to fans.

2. Offer landmark gifts for people who like and share your fan page

3. Post exclusive content, like instructional videos, article links, or new uses for existing users of your products and services.

4. Encourage customer interaction by asking people to share experiences or tips.

5. Offer special customer service with Q & A, live chats, scheduled 'meet-ups' with you and another expert interacting with the community.

6. Have your friends with large numbers of friends to be Administrators, so they can promote it as their own with their big groups of followers.

- Heartlover Mind - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

By setting cute and romantic statuses, and wishing friends with nice quotes on all ocassions....

- Andrew Stephen - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

If you want your facebook page to be popular,You should do these free easy tips:
1-) Share the page from your personal profile.
2-) Invite all your friends to join this page.
3-) Share it from any page which you're an admin in.
4-) Don't do anything against facebook privacy policy.
5-) Update your page's status & Upload photos for it.
Good Luck! Smile

- Zone Jim - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

Some of the previous suggestions are absolutely useful! But what kind of blog you are having exactly? Actually, I have a blog too, mainly about tech. Usually, I do the following things to increase my fans number:

1.Mark the words encouraging fans to share the article on an arresting position;

2.Carry out some campaigns regularly for my Facebook fans, such as running contest and offering giveaway;

3.Search on line for some companies who are willing to donate some of their products to me as a promotion which I could also present to my fans as gifts for free.

No.3 is a win-win cooperation, so it benefits two parties. My last free-offer activity was sponsored successfully with the help of a software company. I won over 500 fans totally. So cool!

- Joey Loore - 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

If you are having your own blog or an website then Facebook is a great place wherein you can capitalize on the Facebook friends so as to market your blog or a website. I have a blog too and I'd like to share my experience with u, hope it would be helpful for u.

1. Ask Your Friends and Link to Popular Sites. Ask your friends join in your page (the more, the better) and exchange link with popular sites.

2. Always try to tease the user, like unless and until a user doesn’t click in the “Like” button he will not be shown with the content what’s in the fan page inside.

3. Cooperate with some sites who are willing to giveaway their products on your page to attract more attention (you'd better choose the relevant site which are similar with your blog type) .

This week I come across a nice website named macxdvd that will help full me to get most facebook fans. They sponsored 50 copies of dvd conversion product to me and I hold a free giveaway on my facebook page, so that I've won hundreds of fans! LOL, you may take a look at this page if u own a tech blog: