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How do i get likes on my facebook fanpage !? - Printable Version

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How do i get likes on my facebook fanpage !? - tia - 12-04-2012 07:48 PM

well my friends and i made a fan page of one direction and we only have 220 likes i want to have heaps of likes like 1k but how? and and how do i get likes for free?
i need help please i need heaps of likes (like please directioners)
a good website for free i really need heaps of likes. !

- Sarah - 12-04-2012 07:56 PM

It depends - websites exist such as

Whereas when you sign up, the more pages you likes yourself the higher ranked you are on th website and the more likely people will like your page.

But i would not recommend this as the point behind your page is so that One Direction fans will legitimately like your page.

I would say do your best to scour the internet for One Direction related web pages and recommend people like your page if they like One Direction - join a few forums and be active and socialize with other people with the same interests.

Its in a name - if people 'like' your page...they will 'like' your page...

- SamiR - 12-04-2012 07:56 PM

You will get more likes from several websites, When you visit these sites and do something for these websites you will have about 500 likes and almost 250 share.
this is an example.

- hugehydrant239 - 12-04-2012 07:56 PM

You can go onto other One Direction fan pages and ask for a s4s . That means Share For Share or Support For Support or something. Basically, They share your page and tell people to like it and you do it to them. You can also ask your friends to like the page and get them to like it as well. I hope I helped.
Good luck on your page c:

- Bethany Lavigne - 12-04-2012 07:56 PM

If you have to get likes page you have to try autoliker. .
If you have to get likes on post , videos , photos .. You have to promote your page .. By the way ! I can give you 200+ Likes .. Just email me =) I'll help you ..

- Cybil - 12-04-2012 07:56 PM

if you have a fanpage and do not want to waste time on promoting ( lets face it we all have something better to do then copy pasting fanpage links on mass messaging to our friends who will probably get pissed off at you) the best way is to optimize your fanpage by creating backlinks to your page. i know this is a bit technical and comes with a cost, a friend of mine got his page administered by a company and now he has like 22000 likes
do check their website.

- Cassondra - 12-04-2012 07:56 PM

To get maximum facebook likes follow below guidelines

1. Be consistent and regular on Facebook.

2. Always post a valuable and completely unbiased view.

3. Always be transparent to users in terms of social sharing.

4. Be polite and kind to your readers and always maintain a dignity and honor for your posts.

5. Never indulge in any kind of spamming activities on Facebook.

6. Never present any biased political view on Facebook.

7. Post some, comic, some valuable info and some knowledge sharing thoughts.

8. Re-share some good thoughts, you come across on Facebook.

9. Give likes to posts which seem adorable and always re-share those which you think will be helpful and beneficial for your uncommon friends.

10. Always use proper and simple English or any language you feel comfortable for writing.

11. Be active and sportive on Facebook.

If you follow all above rules then you will get many likes per day.