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How do I undo a "become a fan" feature on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I undo a "become a fan" feature on facebook? - S.P. - 12-04-2012 08:06 PM

I was trying to figure out the "become a fan" feature on facebook and accidently became a fan of something as I was trying it out. How do I undo that now? I can't seem to find a way to remove myself as a fan! HELP!

- Zarif H - 12-04-2012 08:14 PM

search w/e u became a fan of then u can "un-fan" it

- kaire - 12-04-2012 08:14 PM

Go to the main page of that fan page you want to un-do. Scroll all the way to the bottom. There's a couple of links. Click the one that says "Remove me from Fans." Once you click it, you won't be a fan anymore and the icon will also be gone from your profile.