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How to make friends and a boyfriend? - Printable Version

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How to make friends and a boyfriend? - RayRay - 12-04-2012 09:25 PM

I am 18 years old. Had one boyfriend in my life and not to many friends. I've had aquintences. At the moment I have my guy friend of the last 9 years and his boyfriend. I don't hang out with his boyfriend unless my friend is around but I have talked on the phone with him and Facebook him from time to time. I am also friends with my guy friends sister but I hardly ever see her because she is in college. Same with 2 of my other friends. I see them a couple times a year because they live on campus and I am currently not in school. I start school on Monday though for dog grooming. I also have 2 people from work I hang out with. I only hung out with one coworker once and that was to go to the state fair. This other girl I invited to go to Applebee's with me Thursday night.
I think I am unique and a little nerdy but I am also nice and a huge animal and kid lover. I am pretty confident about my outside appearance... For the most part. I like my face but I have struggled with an eating disorder in the past. I love superheroes, cartoons, dragons, Pokemon, Harry potter and video games. I never dress up. I usually wear Tshirts hoodies and pants. I NEVER wear makeup. I am a singer though and have been told I have a pretty voice.
I want a boyfriend but the only people I seem to attract are questionable people. One drug dealer and one guy is now face booking me and wants to date me. He always writes " hey sexy do you want to have a fun night?" I want a gentlemen but they don't like me! I am not happy. I see friends maybe once a week or 2 weeks outside work. Everyone has there own life with there boyfriends and girlfriends and I sit at home for the most part. I am so lonely and unhappy! Do I have hope at dating? I am pretty shy especially around guys. I am quiet and have a hard time keeping eye contact. I see all my friends on Facebook have a good time and then there's me.... Help! How can I change to make friends and a boyfriend? I am fine once I warm up to someone!

- J-girl - 12-04-2012 09:33 PM

Hope for a miracle

- Michael - 12-04-2012 09:33 PM

erect penis

- Lucy - 12-04-2012 09:33 PM

to make friends is easy but you will have to start to socialize more. you will find the right guy eventually, you just need to look deeper. if you make a new friend, they can introduce you to their friends, and you may meet the love of you life that way, try to be confident, when you see a smart guy, who you like the look of, go and talk to him. show him the real you, so they know straight away whether they like you or not, try to open up, dont be afraid of who you are. if he doesnt like your personality, too bad for him, hes missed out. some times, just some times the guy which you usually wouldn't go for may have a lot in common with you. if you are a good singer, try singing at a club or karaoke, and if you see a guy in the crowd you like, ask him what he thought after the song! hope this helps! Smile