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I'm loosing my best friend :(? - Printable Version

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I'm loosing my best friend :(? - PINKEH. - 12-04-2012 09:39 PM

We never see each other anymore and when we do we're not like how we used to be, phone conversations die out really quickly and when we talk over facebook or skype i don't know what to say and i don't think he does either.. like our conversation is forced and it doesnt flow like it used to..

I know i like him more than he likes me but i also know he doesnt want to loose me because he always messages me or texts me.. but we've both ..changed i guess and i just don't know how to get our old friendship back..

Please help

- Kelly - 12-04-2012 09:47 PM

you could always play the question game; it brings up conversations. Ask him if he thinks that you're growing apart and tell him that you don't want that to happen. Sometimes you have to say the unsaid (:

- Emma - 12-04-2012 09:47 PM

Tell him that! You need to strengthen your friendship back. Meet him in person and spend the day together.

- Devon L - 12-04-2012 09:47 PM

As you get older friendships aren't as bubbly and face paced as they are when you were younger... You're still keeping in contact its just not as exciting as you remember it.

- Milena Đorić - 12-04-2012 09:47 PM

Well,you say that you don't know what to say,too...It is normal,people grow apart,you could just ask if he want to go for a coffee or just hang out,maybe you might just ask him straight what is going on,if there is some possible problem between you.If it were me,i wouldn't force anything,because if he wants your friendship based on sms and chat,why would you bother?
My parole is - I don't care,if you don't....