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When a girl writes love lyrics on her Facebook? - Printable Version

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When a girl writes love lyrics on her Facebook? - Master_Flynn - 12-04-2012 09:49 PM

A girl I'm friends with on Facebook posted this as her status:

"Remember we promised our love wouldn't end,
We'd gather all people and love them as friends.
My spirit will be with you to light up your way,
I love you, what more can I say"

I looked up these lyrics and they're from a hymn -- not a regular song. I'm almost certain that she isn't in a relationship or anything. Why would she post something like this??

- Angela - 12-04-2012 09:57 PM

I know a girl who does the same thing. This girl just likes those lyrics and wants to share them with her friends. Maybe that's why?

- mpod92 - 12-04-2012 09:57 PM

Um thats what people do. They post cheesy song lyric as there status. I see people on facebook do it all the time

- Gami Yuuki - 12-04-2012 09:57 PM

Then she is spending way too much time on Facebook.

Because people post things because they are bored. My sister did this for no reason whatsoever.

- girlygirl_22 - 12-04-2012 09:57 PM

Haha as a girl, I'm gonna say she is in love whether it's her friend, a love interest, or family. But it also could just be something sweet she likes. Girls post stuff like that on Facebook too.