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How do you set your frends list private on facebook to ceartain people? - Printable Version

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How do you set your frends list private on facebook to ceartain people? - squarehome348 - 12-04-2012 10:01 PM

can you please tell me step by step on how to block someone from seeing my friends list on facebook..i mean like ceartain people or everyone even if they are my friend on facebook.

- Lissa - 12-04-2012 10:09 PM

Okay so you can't block like a single person from seeing your friends nor can you block your friends from seeing them. But what you can do is block people from seeing your friends.

This is how;

Go to home, and see at the top right corner? Where it says Home, Profile, then Account. Click account and click privacy settings. Then go onto Contact information, go down the list and see where it says Add Me as a friend? Click the thing where it says everyone beside it and press friends of friends. Then go up to the top of the page, and click Preview my profile on the right to check!

Hope this helped xx c:

- mighty* :] - 12-04-2012 10:09 PM

Facebook has begun to change the profile set-up a little. With the new profiles (which some people already have, they are the ones that let you list "connections" in your interests, etc. like if you list "The Beatles" as your favorite musician then it gives a link to The Beatles fanpage on FB)

Anyway, with the new profile (when you get it) you can actually hide your entire friends list! You can make it so either Only You can see it, or certain people can't see it.

Go to Account > Privacy Settings... and now, with the new profile you will see another option, after Personal Info and Contact Info, it says "Friends, Tags, Connections" click that and then Friends is first on the list; click the menu next to friends, go to Custom Edit and there is an option on the bottom saying, "Hide from these people" and then just enter the names of the people you do not want to see your friends.

Of course, the only friends list they will see is mutual friends, if you have any.