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How to disable others from seeing pictures you liked on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to disable others from seeing pictures you liked on facebook? - iBlondie - 12-04-2012 10:36 PM

I like a bunch a photos on facebook. I help vote in contests with likes and ect...
I had some people complain to me I'm clogging their facebook. So I stopped liking, but it's just not as much fun anymore.

How can I disabled my liked pictures from coming back on other people's feeds?
Oh they're not like those contests. I mean it's like for small modeling sites holding competitions and what not. Not any bad sexual things either. It's just clogging people's facebooks apparently.

- Razcadet - 12-04-2012 10:44 PM

Zuckerburg has no value of privacy.
There are several full threads of complaints in the online help center on Facebook.

- abraXus - 12-04-2012 10:44 PM

the only way to prevent it is to add people to your restricted list

but then those people wont see any of your status updates either, so the better solution is to just stop trying to help people win stupid pointless contests

you realize that the contest sites are just trying to get you to vote so that they can make money, right? you never actually win anything - they just make money from your clicks

- shooter - 12-04-2012 10:44 PM

I've been where you are I had a few of my so called friends complained to me about that. They turned against me so I deleted them. Everyone on Facebook does that. I don't know why there are some who wants to complain about that. Check your privacy area and see if there is a place there to fix it where ppl can't see what you do to those who you don't won't see it. Should be in your privacy if not check account. But it's probably be in the privacy part. Sorry ppl are doing you like that. Like I told he one's who complained on what I did or what I liked so much. I never did them. I told them oh well everyone on Facebook does it. If they didn't like what I did or posted then they can hide me and my stuff or delete me. I didn't care. We are no longer friend's after knowning them since 94 then they started that crap we no longer friend's. So I know what your going through. Sorry that you are. Just ignore them or delete them. Hope that helps and good luck.

- Don - 12-04-2012 10:44 PM

Yeah there is no way to stop this which is a pain! Also if you are looking to improve your facebook fan page and you could do with some more real fans then you could do what i have done and get some new people to talk to on there! Ill put a link in the bottem for anyone who is interested

Just while we are on the subject of Facebook!
