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Family Problems, Can Someone Help? - Printable Version

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Family Problems, Can Someone Help? - Drew - 12-04-2012 10:37 PM

I have a brother who's 18 years old and he isn't the type of person who likes to socialize or talk with other people. He doesn't have any friends and really doesn't have anyone to talk except for my parents and I. He wants to have friends but just can't make any because he feels to shy and awkward around people. The worst part about this is that he recently went out of the province for university. Now he spends most of his time staying in his dorm and not talking with others except for my family and I on Skype. He doesn't even talk to his roommate. He's been like this for quite a while now and I'm worried about him. To him, I'm like his best friend as his brother as he talks to me about anything. But he keeps trying to talk more about my social life and what's going on in it everyday. It's not like there's a problem with him talking about my life but he does it everyday and wants to know every detail about it. Now another problem has arised as he keeps switching programs in university (from acturarial science to computer science, and now to commerce). He tells my parents and me that he's doing fine in his grades but we all have a feeling he's not telling the truth. My parents are starting to become infuriated with his recent attitude as they have to pay so much and work so hard to pay for his education and life in university. My parents also feel he isn't working hard enough as he slacks a lot, but this may be due to him being lonely.We don't want him to be alone but yet he is everyday. He eats by himself, studies by himself, and hangs out with himself. He's lonely and I feel like he's depressed. He feels like coming back home now but I don't feel that's the best idea as he will continue his lonely life at home and who knows what he'll do to himself. This worries me and especially my parents a lot. It stresses my parents so badly that it hurts them physically. I feel like he needs someone else to talk to so he'll feel more comfortable and gain more confidence in life again. Don't say a psychiatrist or psychologist. That's not what he needs. My best solution s are that he should talk with the girl he likes since junior high. They never talked much even throughout high school. She has a boyfriend, but I feel like she makes him happy. Should I secretly tell her on facebook or something to talk to my brother so he'll feel better? Should I get him to talk with my pastor at church? What should I do? I need solutions. I don't want my brother to be lonely or depressed. I don't want my parents to be hurt and stressed. I love all of them and I want all of them to be happy? Can someone please help? It'll mean so much to me if there are people that are willing to read this and help my family. Thank you

- Kayla - 12-04-2012 10:45 PM

Ok drew, I think u and ur parents need to help and work together to figure this out, getting him to a pastor is a good idea but not just tht, prayers work to, ask god to touch ur brother and to send him the strength and encouragement from ppl tht he needs, u all are in my prayers!