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How do I deal with these harrassing messages on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I deal with these harrassing messages on Facebook? - Michael-Lakers fan. - 12-05-2012 01:12 AM

I got 2 messages on Facebook, the first one was, "Hey loser, women don't find you attractive. Go kill yourself because nobody loves you." The second one was, "women hate you, women don't like you, and they certainly don't love you. Just kill yourself the world is better off without you anyways." What's messed up is that I believe that, what do I do? I been feeling.worthless these last few days. I'm 23.

- Eric - 12-05-2012 01:20 AM

1: Block the people who said those things to you because it would be dumb to continue taking that kind of abuse.
2: Hangout with your friends more often because being around people you enjoy being around makes you feel good.
3: Look for opportunities where you could ask a girl out on a date.

- tiger - 12-05-2012 01:20 AM

Who is saying this? Do you know the person? They should be reported for cyber bullying. If you don't want to report them, send me copies of it and I will report them for you. You are not worthless. Don't believe that garbage.

- whitneyyykn - 12-05-2012 01:20 AM

Depends who says it. But prove them wrong and do something good for yourself, be successful and they will realize they have been wrong and karma will get them back.