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Why does he watch me? - lovesmusic101 - 12-05-2012 01:55 AM

hey i need help on this question really bad...., so i need advice with one of my old friends cuz my parents wont talk to me about it im wonering .... will this guy get mad if ignore him? or should i talk to him because i never see him or dont have an oppurtunity? details i am girl in this situation. lets hes lead me on in the past and im trying to avoid him and he walks past the table i sit at at lunch when he could take the other way, and he sits at a table next to me two times. He doesnt like me he rejected me last yearr and i was clingy but then i stopped bothering. and hes even told his friend he was gay. So why would he do this?
And he likes a lot of girls not just me. . i have no contact either no facebook, phone email, or any classes together. Its his fault though.
Why would he do this to mer?????

Plus a few weeks ago this girl who I don't know has been posting photos and my crush has been liking them and he said love how ou keep takin these photos. But she tags a lot of boys on her pics I guess he likes her more and shes like him sooo so figures. I'm no racist AT ALL or anything.
I cry sorta alot about this .... I just want a friend back but then I like him I just miss the whole friendship or whatever it was
Will he say sorry get it if I ignore him what are the consequences of ignoring too.

sorry about the seeming jealous of other girls i shouldnt be cuz he was never my bf but i just still kinda like him.

sorry for the rant to those of you who are pissed and thanks for answering.
I just dont know what to do about no contact and not telling him how i feel either?? please help thanks i appreciate your time, my parents blow me off with it they just say write him a note but idk what to write??????????

my parents are really mean right now so they wont help they dont even listen to what i feel like anymore, they kept me at school when i had strep.

but then sometimes when i ignored my crush he said hi to me at lunch but i dont think that mean anything. and when i try to ignore him he goes nuts. but he doesnt like me he probably just likes sarah or ellie not there real names. not me at all. I know i still have a crush but im not even his friend anymore.... but i know i had a friend though so Sad

theres also a stalker guy (Darren) not his real name but i swear he told me my crush hates me and he sits next to me every single day at lunch and if i say im not sitting with you hell be ticked and sit with my crush. Then in the morning he comes to my history class and sits by me and i dont want to talk to him and he always interrupts me and my friends convos. dont get me wrong he is a nice guy but he shouldnt be stalking me like that and telling me things about my crush. And hes too protective over me too if another guy talks to him while hes with me hell say go aaway! im with her! Sad i dont want him doing this. And one of my friends shouted at lunch ____my names pregnant and my crush that was a table away got up and threw his lunch away.
Just wondering why

- Bu Rahaf - 12-05-2012 02:03 AM

This does not seem to be healthy relationship. You tried more than enough already to be with this guy, but for some reasons he keeps ignoring you.

Your parents are doing right by not talking about it, I would say ignore this guy and move on. Even if he tried to reach you, do not respond to him. you do not need someone who does not appreciate some sacrifice from you.