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How to get the courage to message the guy I like on Facebook, and what to ask? - Printable Version

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How to get the courage to message the guy I like on Facebook, and what to ask? - Katie M - 12-05-2012 02:14 AM

So, me and this guy on Facebook have kind of talking alot here lately. When I go on his Facebook wall, all his recent activity was only commenting on my status. But he doesn't really get into conversation. I know he probably does like me, what is a good inbox message I should type him? If you liked a girl/boy on Facebook, what would you message him?


- Sechuban - 12-05-2012 02:22 AM

First i'd start a conversation. Then hint it to him.

- Ian Fen - 12-05-2012 02:22 AM

Just start a short convo and then say u gtg whats your cell #?

- zodiac-sail420 - 12-05-2012 02:22 AM

if you already talk then just ask if he wants to see a movie

- aselbea - 12-05-2012 02:22 AM

If you're interested in having any kind of relationship with this guy, I suggest you do it offline. Most people online are very different from how they are online. I think you'd be more successful, or at least both of you will be more of yourselves, if you speak in person.

Either way, good luck Smile

- emokicker69 - 12-05-2012 02:22 AM

To kinda progress things in a positive way I would suggest pulling this possible relationship out of the internet and into the real world.
Facebook relationships can be tricky, everyone has different perspectives of what certain FB messages, pokes, comments, and like mean. So to progress to real world contact is a better step then to ask someone out over FB.

If you dont have his digits I would say thats the next thing you must try and achieve, if you do have his number then skip the next step.

So just ask for his number, I am not sure of the current convos you are having but to bring up how you would like to txt him or perhaps talk to him would be good to do. Just make it a casual question, dont put it on a pedestal and make it weird.. just as if you were asking a normal friend for a cellphone number.

After you have his number things should get easier. Send him txts that add to whatever conversation you have been involved in and ion the near future give him a call and ask if he wants to hangout (that is if he doesn't give you a call first :3 )