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How should I handle anti-child-porn groups accessing my e-mail accounts? - Printable Version

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How should I handle anti-child-porn groups accessing my e-mail accounts? - kittycat - 12-05-2012 02:35 AM

I am sure that my MSN account has been hacked, by anti-child-porn groups, which are pretending to be I know this since, for three days, now, I have been receiving unusual dating notifications.

Normally, when the REAL Facebook sends me dating profiles, the picture, name, city, and so on are accompanied by things such as Occupation:

1) accountant
2) nurse
3) architect

Since last friday, however, the notifications have been listing as "Freshman, followed by high school name"

Just one look, at the mailings, tells me these "kids" are young enough, almost, to be my grand-children.

Understand that it is not that I do not like young, petite, WOMEN, but I think THESE messages are going TOO FAR.

Although I have reported this, to Facebook, I feel a need to ask what else I should do, to protect myself from "Entrapment", by these anti-child-porn groups.

I have SEEN, in the media, just how far "over the line" these groups are willing to go, in order to trap not only preditors, but victims, as well.

This is why I am asking what else I can do to protect my on-line existance, from these radicals?

ANY suggestions would be appreciated.

- DaveO - 12-05-2012 02:43 AM

You haven't been hacked. They're just sending you fake Facebook messages. Mark the fake ones as spam whenever you get them and your e-mail client should be able to start filtering them for you.

- Gladius - 12-05-2012 02:43 AM

Oh man, I hate getting unexpected porn in my mail, and the anti-child kind is the worst.