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I'm really shy, help me please? - Printable Version

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I'm really shy, help me please? - haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate:) - 12-05-2012 06:38 AM

There's this guy that I really like and I know he likes me back, but he's not ready for a relationship yet, because we're both too young. It's a really long story. But I want to keep in touch with him through facebook. However, I am very shy. I shake and get the chills and get nervous. My head spins and I feel my face get hot. Is there any way I can be more confident?

- Fanaticalplant943 - 12-05-2012 06:46 AM

Well add him on fb. And you can talk to him on there. think of it this way he wont see you red embarassed and nervous. So dont be scared. act like its a guy friend. ( i know its hard ). Be yourself and just relax and talk to him and maybe he will ask you out. (: i know this is hard but ya know

- Brian Kory - 12-05-2012 06:46 AM

It's not always easy to be confident, lots of people have to fake it before they can be truly confident. You need to allow yourself to grow and learn. Some of the most important lessons in life are when we see ourselves the most self critically but are willing, able to make a change no matter how big or small that change may be it, it's monumental. Just trying to ask some one out or trying to talk to some one makes it easier to do it a second time. All you have to do is start small. Great things often have humble beginnings.

You need to place faith in your ability to adapt, over come, learn and you need to accept your failures as lessons and you need to be open to your own feelings. Don't allow yourself to be over come by your feelings, try to find a balance where you allow yourself to have feelings and are able to balance those feelings.

We can't always do that but it's going to help you enter into things without as much judgement of yourself and make you more able to accept what comes your way. It will help you mature and have more confidence in yourself. You need to allow things to come to you, seize invitations in life and catch hold of opportunities. You need to acknowledge your flaws as something that can be balanced with your strengths.

Life is a balancing act. You can't take every rejection to heart . You're both young yet, and you're not truly ready yet for a relationship. You have so much to learn about yourself and your life.

You need to see this as a way to learn about your feelings, and part of growing up. You will know when an invitation is opened up for you in life and when you're balanced you go for it , if you want it enough. But for now he's not ready and you're not ready.

Find a way to balance yourself that isn't self critical or dis-enabling. Just let yourself live and learn.