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Sending nudes pictures over facebook? - Printable Version

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Sending nudes pictures over facebook? - Thatuserone - 12-05-2012 07:39 AM

Hi, if me and my gf send eachother nude pictures through facebook, can the police get involved? would they only know if someone tells them and if the pictures secret is only kept between me and gf, the police cant get involved otherwise can they? we're both under 18, so its illegal but we both like it. from uk.

- Mike - 12-05-2012 07:47 AM

you KNOW it is illegal but you do it for the "thrill" ? You admit you are at risk of the police getting involved, and you continue to do it anyway ? YES, you can get caught, by those that monitor Facebook transmissions and YES you can get in BIG trouble.

- d02003524 - 12-05-2012 07:47 AM

the police can get involved only if a 3rd person calls the cops, facebook have people monitoring the site, so try a another way to exchange photos

- Colinc - 12-05-2012 07:47 AM

That would DEFINITELY get the police involved. Despite BEING underage you would be guilty of sending underage material across a public network. Considering this does mean a possible serious prison sentence, not a good idea.

- Will - 12-05-2012 07:47 AM

yes they can get involved its called The machine is watching you.