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What to do since my best friend now hates me? - Printable Version

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What to do since my best friend now hates me? - Elysia - 12-05-2012 08:51 AM

So here's the long story... I made a club for WSU Cougar fans at school and we're all having fun in it, even if there are only 6 members. I asked my best friend to join today, and she said no, she liked the UW Huskies, the one that is the most popular at school. So obviously, she didn't join. The next day, I bring bags of candy as a little welcome to the club gift for the six members, and they're in my backpack. Somehow my best friend and her other best friend learn about it and come up and demand that I give them some candy too, though not in a bullying way, more like, "Hey can you give me candy please? We're you're best friends" stuff like that.
So I say no, they're only for club members, sorry, and then they tell me I'm being unfair for not including them.
They avoid me for most of the day, then one of them apologizes and says, "Hey sorry. But you still are being unfair."
I accept her apology, then go home, thinking it's all over, whew, just another minor skirmish. I log onto Facebook, then forget to close out as I go and open Word. I work on a story and when I finish I go back to the internet and realize I left FB on. I see a chat box open saying a bunch of really angry words. Basically, it starts out with my best friend saying my name, then eventually she thinks I'm ignoring her and says that I'm a mean bully. I tell her that I was working on my story and didn't know that she was talking to me, and then I proceed to tell her I'm hurt by what she said, but she doesn't buy it and keeps telling me I'm a big fat loser, then she starts telling me she's the outcast in her family and in the class who never gets into any clubs or anything.
Which is complete nonsense, since she made one club called the "Derp Empire" and she's Lord Derp or something. She's also in some Huskies club and Minecraft club and Skyrim club and Gaming club (of course these aren't official school clubs! These are just student-made for other students for other times).
But anyways, now she thinks I'm a "f*cking sore loser who can't take some sport competition and wants to ignore her best friend". I try and apologize and tell her I'm sorry but it was just a misunderstanding, things like that. She won't talk to me anymore.
I want to tell her that I don't really want her to be my friend anymore, and not just because of this incident. She's actually done stuff like this except without yelling at me over Facebook. But she does always say mean things to me. So I would like to let her go. But I'm not the type of person to be like that. How do I do it, what do I do now that she hates me, and a lot of other classmates too, etc?

No haters, spamming, trolling, flaming, or advertising or you will be reported. I'm serious, I want some real help here.

- T F - 12-05-2012 08:59 AM

You don't have to tell her anything. Just let the friendship fade away. Bad friendships always do because they're not positive. And friendships are supposed to be positive. If she freaks out just keep your cool. The craziness is all her stuff. It has nothing to do with you.

Seems a little pointless to let someone else's unhappiness with themselves effect you and make you feel bad, doesn't it?