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How to persuade parents to let me get a Facebook account? - Printable Version

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How to persuade parents to let me get a Facebook account? - hamsters - 12-05-2012 09:03 AM

They think it's really dangerous for privacy and security and all that. I'm 13 and all my friends have it! I want to use it for chat for convenience and my school and local orchestra recommend it for announcements in case important newsletters go missing. Can you think of a good excuse for my parents to let me use facebook (like it's necessary for school work or something)?

Thanks! I really appreciate it! Smile

- Joseph the Second - 12-05-2012 09:11 AM

Persuade THEM to get One, to see that it's really not so bad! Once they DO (& you've used theirs for awhile), maybe they'll let you get an Account of your Own!!! Smile

- Chakena - 12-05-2012 09:11 AM

Well, on Facebook, you can't view anyone's page unless you add them first sooo...Promise your parent's you won't add anyone or accept anyone unless you know them very well. The only issue parents really have with Facebook & Myspace is privacy issues. If you be responsible and don't add put personal info, exposing pictures or have people on your friends list you don't know I don't see any reason why they wouldn't let you have a facebook.! Besides, its convenient for you so you can stay up to date with meetings, announcements, etc.. Tell them you will keep it "school related".

- Katie - 12-05-2012 09:11 AM

I was able to convince my parents by promising that a) I wouldn't add anyone I didn't know, and b) I would add both of them. It's actually a really good way for them to keep tabs on me (while, which yes, is annoying), which is reassuring for them. I don't know if you're willing to give up your privacy for Facebook like I was, but I'm happy! Smile