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Girls, Why would she ignore my message? - Printable Version

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Girls, Why would she ignore my message? - Dr. Heffy - 12-05-2012 09:09 AM

Its this girl I go to school with who I kinda have a crush on but I dont really know, all the sudden jumped in front of a car in the neighborhood and I saw her do it there were cops and everything so I got worried and messaged her on Facebook. I didn't have her as a friend but I did it anyway to make sure she was ok. She said thanks so much I feel better and I messaged back telling her I understand cause I've been through the same and that I'm glad shes ok...she ignored the message,this was like 3 days I know she got it cause shes been online
so why would she not reply?

- kyle - 12-05-2012 09:17 AM

mmmhmhmmm i dont kow

- Valerie - 12-05-2012 09:17 AM

maybe she thought she didn't need to. like if someone said oh yeah I like pie too. it's like cool... but some people just leave it at that. Don't take it personal

- ? - 12-05-2012 09:17 AM

You don't really know her right? Well you shouldn't have tried the "I know what you're going through". She doesn't know you, you don't know her sooooo you really don't know what she's going through. You played the wrong card.