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Are WE in love or am I just in love? - Printable Version

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Are WE in love or am I just in love? - Kayla - 12-05-2012 11:36 AM

So i have this friend and i really like him but i also think he likes me too!Ok well first he is always being really funny and stuff. well when he walks in to the class we have together he always look at me and smiles even if im not looking at him. and this one day walking on the bus he just like grabbed me and put me in his seat but after that he said you don't have to sit here but i stayed there and he was acting crazier than normal then he stared to play with my pony tail. .like i also find it awkward talk to my friends near him because he it like looking in to my soul. i also have known him for awhile and this is the first time we have actually have been talking and he said why weren't you like this in science ( before i stared to talk to him) and he gos you are so hilarious. well i am a funny social person but hearing that made my day.And i also told him i wont be in school monday and he said you better be going to a funeral or something. is that meaning he is going to miss me or something because i am going to miss him . And the last thing is we have a very stupid class for history so he made a post on facebook and it said why are people in my history class so stupid not all but most. Do you think he was trying to get my attention or what ? tell me your opinion and tell me other things to look for but the last most weird detail is he is a Jehovah Witness so HELP!!

- Woah People - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

he just wants to tickle ur belly button.. from the inside

- 1life1goal1dream - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

haha! ^

- Femdyk - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

You might ask him about his religion. Dating and hooking up are very important to some religions. Have a conversation with him and get to know him. don't ask us if he likes you, ask HIM.

- Joe - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

If your looking for acceptance, just go ahead and say "I love you." And find out.

As for the Jehovah Witness part.....their not allowed to date outside of the religion. As for dating a Jehovahs Witness, that alone would make me not date one. The bible states its fine to date outside of your religion as you may save the one you love.

My mother is a Jehovahs Witness...i love her. But, my opinion is that their right on a lot from the bible and wrong about many others. I personally couldn't date one.

- Missy - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

WOW it sounds like he does like you! um since hes a JW . he might have standards when you guys do start dating. OR he prolley needs to convert u into JW so he can date you. lol Smile ....but hopefully he asks you out than you guys can discuss bout some things.....

- Dagger78 - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

seems like he's into you like not just a little but a lot! and yeah he's probs going to miss you when you're not there on monday so yeah if you think you like him too give him hints you know! for example: stand closer to him, hold his hand, hug him for 4 or 5 seconds...etc

- screechingNinja597 - 12-05-2012 11:44 AM

From what I could read: (That's a beautiful wall of text you have there - mind separating it into paragraphs next time?)

---- He does seem to like you. Even that comment he made about "you better be going to a funeral or something", is a sign that he most likely will indeed miss you, come Monday.

Looks to me like more young love . . . Stop.

Considering he's a JW, you might want to think twice about dating him. We have standards, and most of us adhere to them fully. It seems that if you asked him or if he asked you - you'd end up dating each other, but, JWs view dating as the steeping-stones to marriage, and it should only be conducted AFTER the teenage years, simply because with your hormones at an incredibly high-level, strong feelings for the opposite sex tend to flare then fade as quickly as a hiss of wind.

So, in short, this big romance between the two of you will most likely fail soon enough, even if you do start dating. I'm not trying to be negative, I'm simply being realistic. Makes no sense to try and sugar-coat reality.

Just because he's a Witness, and just because you're not, that doesn't necessarily mean that would doom your relationship, but there are certain things he can't do. Like:

- Don't expect a Valentine's Day card
- Don't expect him to do any Christmas-time things
- Don't expect him to say "Happy Birthday!"

At the end of the day, it seems that the both of you are in love with each other, but it isn't true love. It's infatuation. Hormone-induced, infatuation, that will fade away soon. Dating is rather pointless at this age, as it only leads to heartbreak later.

In my opinion ~ I'd wait, until I'm a mature adult, who now knows who I am, and who has a stable life, to start dating, rather than a budding teen who's hormones are all in a tizzy and I barely have the fuzziest idea of what I'll be doing when I leave school, and while I'm still trying to figure out my own identity.

On top of that, I recommend you date someone who isn't a Witness. Not that we're bad people, because we aren't. But it seems our differences with others get in the way of a lot of things.

On and ~ P.S ~ If you thought I'm a parent, or even just an adult... nope I'm 14, and I'm in high-school, so consider this some advice from a schoolmate.