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Facebook fan check application cause virus is it right? - Printable Version

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Facebook fan check application cause virus is it right? - Rafie20 - 12-05-2012 01:45 PM

Today I read about Facebook fan check application virus which leads to malwares and viruses
Is it right?
If right?
Any suggested method or special anti virus to remove these malewares

- InsaneSwami439 - 12-05-2012 01:53 PM

ye i think it does, but to get rid of it get McAfee or if you have comcast internet you can get McAfee for free

- Marie - 12-05-2012 01:53 PM

I was unlucky enough to get this virus, i believe to be from fan check.
You need to ensure your anti virus is up to date.
I currently have Nortons which helped sort me out.

Also ensure that you get rid of application and untag yourself from anyone elses photos of this application.
I was getting random messages sent from my account and also slowed my computer down.

Good Luck

- Marie - 12-05-2012 01:53 PM

Kaspersky Internet security 2010 is the best choice in this situation to get rid of internet malewares
as written into this articles site
i'll buy it now , and write my review after virus scan


After trying Kaspersky Internet security 2010
1- scan every page site before you visit
2- scan downloaded files at time
3- scan your email address
4-The most advanced feature: It can be installed on infected computer , in comparison to any other anti-vir
5-scan messenger connection
more and more features , It was very amazing software
Thanks for this Link

- democrat1620 - 12-05-2012 01:53 PM

No, the Fan Check application is not a virus. What is infecting people is the fake applications that claim to remove this so-called virus. People get scared that they may have a virus, so they Google "Facebook Fan Check Virus," and the top results are all sites that download malicious software to your computer claiming to be a fix. If you've used the application but haven't downloaded any program claiming to fix it, you're fine.

- Tatty Natty - 12-05-2012 01:53 PM

i read the same thing today. untag yourself from all the photo's, block the app, and use macafee/norton

- Blueskies - 12-05-2012 01:53 PM

If you experience problems with any application trying to download a virus (I, too, have heard that the new Fan Check photos app has one, and I have had problems with the Birthday Calendar app trying to download the Trojan Horse into my computer), you can do a few things: 1.) Have a really good anti-virus program (like Avast) that will zap it out, 2.) Click on "Report" when you go to the "About" section of the app (This is from the Facebook Help Center at the bottom of the Facebook homepage), &/or 3.) Remove the app by going to your application settings.