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How do I talk to her? Plz answer? - Printable Version

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How do I talk to her? Plz answer? - Ben Furbeck - 12-05-2012 02:37 PM

So there's this girl I like, I just don't know her name I've tried to find her on Facebook but I can't. I see her in the hallway but idk how to start up a conversation she usually is going in the opposite direction as me so I don't know how it will work :/ I also sometimes see her when I'm exiting school but I would only have like 5 seconds to start a conversation and I never have enough courage to do it. I dont know what to do... I have low self esteem

- Chelsea - 12-05-2012 02:45 PM

Just stop her and look into her eyes and say hey,I have seen you arounf and I think your absoutly gorgeous, my names....... What is your name?

- Alexandria - 12-05-2012 02:45 PM

Use some pickup lines! Girls find them funny (in a good way) say:
1. I must be a light switch cuz you turn me on!
2. There's something wrong with my phone, it doesn't have your number in it.
3. I lost my number can I have yours?
She'd think it's cute. And btw girls like guys who are confident because they're easier to talk to then guys who are really shy. Good luck! Wink

- Jason - 12-05-2012 02:45 PM

You'll perhaps need to work on your self-esteem before trying. Just so you don't get an awkward moment when you make your approach! She'll want to see confidence, a bit of positivity.

A short encounter first is probably actually the best way. You know, a quick 'I only have a moment, but I've seen you around and just thought I'd say hello!' If things at this point seem OK then you could ask how she is, what she's into at the moment. An odd thing I tend to ask is if they have a pet! It raises a smile and shows an interest in them and something sensitive.

Don't worry too much about Facebook, I'd think she might find it a touch odd if you see her about regularly but don't say hello - then send her a friend-request. Admittedly it's a nice way to go about it, but friendship/a relationship is a real-world thing, and best started in reality. Which can then be fun brought online!

Good luck.