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How can I control my obsession? - Printable Version

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How can I control my obsession? - Darci - 12-05-2012 02:41 PM

I'm 15 and I have Asperger's Syndrome and I'm high functioning.
One of the things with me is that I become obsessed with people. I've been obsessed with SO many people in my life, from celebrities to people I know. I'll be so interested in them and I'll love them so much and the obsession will start. Like constantly thinking about them etc. I've never been obsessed with a guy, it's just women. Like not in a romantic way, not at all.
But right now I find myself being obsessed with Lee and it's driving me crazy. I message her SO much like on Facebook and text and now I'm so worried that I bug her. I've been thinking about her 24/7 and I love her so much!! She is absolutely amazing but I need help!! What do I do to get her out of my head? What do I do when I feel like I have to message her?? How can I quit obsessing over her?!?
Please help!!!!

- Jonah - 12-05-2012 02:49 PM

Maybe try to get interested in things that are only somewhat related to her (for example, maybe she likes to swim. You could swim. Or if she likes to read certain books, you could read them).
Try to come up with a limit of number of texts and messages that is reasonable and stick to it (ask her what's a reasonable number). Write texts and don't send them (don't write them on your phone). Do a drawing or something.
It's hard to stop obsessing but the more you can bring in other things, the more chances you have to get interested in other things.