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What are the reasons why businesses should buy facebook fans? - Printable Version

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What are the reasons why businesses should buy facebook fans? - Bern Colo - 12-05-2012 08:20 PM

reasons why businesses should buy facebook fans?

- Damocles - 12-05-2012 08:28 PM

There is no legitimate business reason for buying facebook fans.

- brisray - 12-05-2012 08:28 PM

If your site is pretty crap then you might have to.

"the new fans I purchased have not really interacted or recommended the site to others. They mostly just “liked” the site and then moved on. Looking at some of their profiles, I can see they have hundreds of “likes”, so my site is just one more on their list. The only reason you should buy followers is to make your site appear to be more established than it is." -…

Are you using multiple account names and the same person who's done nothing but ask questions about buying Facebook fans for the last half hour?