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Online friend doesn't want to meet me? - Printable Version

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Online friend doesn't want to meet me? - Joshua - 12-05-2012 10:57 PM

We met on a game and talk a lot, sometimes we webcam, sometimes we're on the phone and we text all the time.

We're like an hour away from one another but every time we make plans to meet, she makes an excuse not to. Idk what to make of it, what do you guys think?

- Jason - 12-05-2012 11:05 PM

Old man in young girls skin?

- Danny - 12-05-2012 11:05 PM

Probably a creep.

- BaseballSingerGirl - 12-05-2012 11:05 PM

Dont take it personally, but there are a lot of psycho weirdos out there, she probobly feels uncomfortable meeting you face to face. if you really want to meet her, give it some time,( and you didnt include your age?) if your younger thats perfectly understandable. because people pretend to be younger when they arent, (*cough* pedophiles) or maybe she really IS just busy (: goodlluccckk<3

- kat - 12-05-2012 11:05 PM

Well, I definitely wouldn't take it personally. Either she's wary of meeting someone in IRL who she's met online or she's just wary of social situations in general (not surprisingly, a lot of people who conduct most of their social life online are skittish about in-person socializing). Maybe she's been burned or let down by an online friendship before and doesn't want to screw it up by changing the context of your relationship. But if you're patient and understanding and don't accuse her of being weird, she might eventually come around. My best friend, who I met on Facebook Rounds of all places (playing backgammon, natch lol - ) basically just flat-out told me she'd never want to meet up in person because she likes to keep her online and her IRL worlds separate, and basically I just have to accept that. It may change, but for now I just have to appreciate what we have.

It is a bit rotten in your case how she'll make plans and then cancel and give an excuse. But she probably just feels bad about not wanting to meet up -- which shows she's a good person and values your friendship. Smile But I can understand that you might feel disappointed and that sucks.