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I'm running out of ideas? - Printable Version

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I'm running out of ideas? - Bob - 12-05-2012 11:42 PM

I'm a junior, and the most beautiful girl on the face of the earth is a sophomore. I talked to her a couple times last year during soccer practice (girls and boys sometimes practiced together) and I REALLY like this girl. I don't have any classes with her and doubt that she remembers me, so how can I start a conversation with her? The only time I see her is during lunch, and it would be awkward for my friends, her friends, her and me if I just randomly sat next to her and started talking. Only one of my friends knows that I like her, and he teases me about it constantly, so don't assume that my friends are mature enough to handle that anyways. One last thing: Last year I walked down the hall that she eats lunch in, and her friends started cat calling or something weird like that (not her though, she's still perfect Big Grin). I didn't know what to do, so I just kept walking like I didn't hear them. Now I'm afraid that I might have seemed stuck up and pissed them off, though. So, keeping that in mind, do you guys have any suggestions that could help me? I'm sure that plenty of other guys like her, and I'm not popular by any means. I just don't want to go through life knowing I never took shot at perfect girl. I'm really just looking for ways to go up and talk to her. I know you guys will say 'just do it' but she will think it is weird if I just randomly went up to talk to her, and both of our friends will feel awkward. How can I talk to her without it being weird?

- YoungDerp - 12-05-2012 11:50 PM

Well try Facebook, talk to her there. If not, then try to talk to her when she is without friends and alone. Smile every time you see her in the hallways and say hi. You should never regret anything in life, so i know that your afraid or shy to talk to her but its worth the shot. Once you guys start talking, flirt around with her for a bit. Hangout with her. If everything works out then you got your self a "beautiful" girl. If it doesn't then i guess, move on? at least you tried.. well good luck!