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What are the biggest negatives of using social network sites like Facebook etc? - Printable Version

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What are the biggest negatives of using social network sites like Facebook etc? - Belovedscale652 - 12-05-2012 11:49 PM

Bar the likes of cyber-bullying, what are the ramifications of using social networks? eg employers/privacy concerns etc?

I keep hearing how Facebook is basically putting yourself up there for the world to see even though you can lock your profile for only friends to see, i'm sort of confused however on the whole topic of privacy etc

- Rob B - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

Everyone can see when you post about how stupid other people are without using any correct grammar or spelling.

- pavan p - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

firstly we get addicted to it Like me.

- Jonny Lapointe - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

They keep all of your information and posts on documentation forever, so even though other people may not be able to see in when it is posted, someone who is in authority, such as an employer or the police, can request a background information check from previous Facebook accounts, so the employer can look through previous posts and such to decide on hiring you. Basically, they are fine to use, as long as you don't get addicted, and you keep your posts and information polite and mannerly.

- Stone Martin - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

Everything have their positive as well as the negative effects. Yes, there are so many advantages by using Facebook, side by side have some drawbacks. Nothing is personal, you can not rely on the Facebook, so many fake account are there.

- ks - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

emplolyers seeing this. people not understanding how to market themselves correctly (accidentally putting something that they think is ok but could be borderline not) there are a lot of reasons.

- cemistois - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

yes, you can make your profile private, and depending your settings, you can make your age/and or location visible to someone that's not in your friend's list. you can make albums that are visible to only some of your friends, you can make your friends not being able to leave you comments on your wall etc.
however, if you know a little about looking up people (on spokeo or peekyou), your default picture WILL pop out. so, no matter how private your profile is, your info can and will pop out on other search engines.

- Senthil - 12-05-2012 11:57 PM

Privacy is I guess has been & is still a major issue on most Social Networking Websites. I recently came across which looks to offer good privacy features. You can interact differently with your friends, classmates, neighbors, office friends and so on.i.e. you don't have to MIX them all. I have also seen few other websites like that allows multiple profiles ( also does) plus there are some personal networking sites. In reality there are a whole lot of social networking sites and it feels kind of dizzy when your are trying to pick one. I would say Privacy is the major Negative with most Social Networking Websites