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Does this girl I talk to on facebook and texting like me? - Printable Version

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Does this girl I talk to on facebook and texting like me? - Graham - 12-06-2012 01:55 AM

I girl that I talk to on Facebook (we're planning on meeting in real life soon) is always saying that I'm cute and adorable, when I jokingly asked her if that was a good thing, she said it definitely was, and asked if I'd rather be called handsome, because I was handsome as well... She has a boyfriend (who she says she wants them to stay together, but it's long-distance, and she tells me that she wants to stay together but that they have real trouble communicating), but she calls me hun, sweetie, sweetheart, honey, stuff like that, all the time, but I don't know if it's just in a friendly way or not. She's just always so sweet and she says that I'm amazing. Do you think she likes me?

P.S. I wouldn't mind all that much if she didn't, I just want what's best for her.

- Lily - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

she's flirting with you... & she has a boyfriend. what?!???? ugh. she probably likes you bcos of your looks! i just dont think that she likes you.

- Nikhil - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

she wants to Fk YOU!! lol i am just trolling with you (no, i am not).

- Georgia Hastings - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

She has a boyfriend and she flirts with you. This girl is trouble and an idiot.
She openly tells you has a boyfriend but she flirts with you, she isn't even being discrete.

- anonymous - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

She's a *dun dun dun* flirt.

- W.C. - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

Careful there buddy! You're tredding on dangerous ground! If you're not real smart you're going to get played. The truth is, you really don't want "what's best for her" you want her for you. Don't be dishonest about that but you're probably going to be disappointed. Find a girl you can see, feel, hear and touch. She has a boyfriend but she's flirting with you? Hmm. Deos she sound like the kind of girl you can trust. How do you know she's not "chatting" up other guys as well. Don't be foolish. Open your eyes!

- SoBeIt(3rdaccount) - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

wtf is this she with someone or not...why u try to get in between.

- Nicolas - 12-06-2012 02:03 AM

She likes you.