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I want to add on FB this girl I already know in real life, but it's a complicated situation? - Printable Version

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I want to add on FB this girl I already know in real life, but it's a complicated situation? - Thomas - 12-06-2012 03:27 AM

because she actually knows I have a crush on her !

I've lost contact with her, haven't seen her for 3 weeks, because she apparently left her last job (which was in my neighbourhood).
I don't dare ask her colleagues "What happened to her? Where has she gone now??"...They might say "It's none of your business" or something.

So the only way to talk to her, now, is through Facebook
That's why I plan to send her a message and add her.

But I'm afraid she may ignore me, or simply say "Thanks, but I'm not interested, sorry".

The reason she might, probably , (and I hope I'm wrong), refuse my invitation, is because she knows I love her.
She saw me once or twice a day for the last two weeks, as I was taking a coffee in the café just the other side of the street...And also I used to drive my car in that street.
After all, it's my neighbourhood, and my house is so close to that café.

Maybe I'm "paranoid" or something, I don't know.
Did she think I was "creepy", and then decided to leave and work in another company???

I can't sleep because of this messy situation...

Even if I don't manage to seduce her, at least I want to get this drama calmed down!!

I even plan to apologize to her for my behaviour, but maybe it will get worse then !!

Can someone please give me a serious and helpful piece of advice, and find an happy ending to this situation?



I miss her so much

- Jupiter - 12-06-2012 03:35 AM

Add her. She'll either accept or reject. Not much of a problem.

- hpy2ansr - 12-06-2012 03:35 AM

I know people get tired of hearing it, but you really only do live once. Here's the thing; you can't just go up to somebody that (I'm assuming) you know almost nothing about and say that you love them. If you like her, you could tell her that you're interested in having a relationship with her, but DO NOT tell her that you love her. Go ahead and add her on facebook, but make sure that you apologize for your past behavior and be careful about what you say and do in the future.