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Should I assume she still likes me or move on? - Printable Version

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Should I assume she still likes me or move on? - Alex - 12-06-2012 06:17 AM

Here's the deal... I like this girl and I'm pretty sure she likes me back. Her hometown is the area where I go to college, while my hometown is where she goes to college. We've hung out twice now and we were suppose to hang out yesterday, but she had to cancel and wants to reschedule for next weekend. Before last week, she would always respond to my texts, either immediately or if she was late, she'd appologize for replying late. Starting near the end of last week, she would reply hours later and sometimes never. I would however talk to her on the phone a few times during the week, and some of those times she called me, and we talked just fine like we do in person. This past Friday when I talked to her on the phone, she apologized for not keeping in touch and being distant, as she has been busy with school.

Yesterday I talked to her on the phone regarding the cancellation of our proposed date. I texted her nearly 10 hours later, way before 7PM and she never replied to my text. I saw her post on facebook at 3am this morning when I got up for school.

Is she really that busy that she can't text me back?

- Andrea - 12-06-2012 06:25 AM

The truth of the matter is she is not that into you. When dealing with females judge them from their behavior and not your or their emotions. Her behavior shows clear signs that she has some issues and there is nothing wrong with you, there is something wrong with her. Move on.