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My first love, still lingers...? - Printable Version

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My first love, still lingers...? - CountryGrl05 - 12-06-2012 07:16 AM

The very first guy I ever felt like I was "in love" with still lingers in my life and I cant seem to let him go. He is one of my best friends and has been for 12 years.. We both like each other. Every time we have tried to get together or ran into each other, one of us we're in a relationship. The problem is, is that I am married now, he even came to my wedding but didn't stay. Last night, I went out with a few friends and ran into him. We took a walk since I hadn't seen him in awhile and talked. He practically poured his heart out to me and said he just wanted to be honest. Then he wrote on his facebook a few hours later "Sometimes I wish I would have realized what I had back in highschool. because now it's out of reach and I can't do a damn thing about it..." Because I liked him in highschool and he had no interest in me at that time. He says he thinks of me often and always wonders what I am doing but is afraid to text or call cause our lives are so different now. We've drifted apart there is no denying it. But I cant help but think that he was the one that got away. I feel a spark with him, I feel connected with him. I can tell him anything and know my secrets are safe with him. We have so much in common it's like we were meant to be together. I don't know what to do and it bothers me. I cant imagine my life without him in it, even if it means only friendship. I need to get over him! My husband and I have a life together and a family. How can I do this?

- Dash - 12-06-2012 07:24 AM

Stay loyal to your husband, even if it means you sever ties with this other guy. You committed to your husband, follow through, at all costs.

- Griggy - 12-06-2012 07:24 AM

Time, time, time. Let it go! If you value your family and you love your husband you need to find the strength to walk away. Just ask yourself, it is really worth it? Your "friend" messed up, and now he's probably single and lonely and now he wants what he can't have. The fact that he is telling you his feelings about you, says a lot about his character. He as a man, needs to butt out of your marriage.