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How would you respond to a message on facebook like this one I just received? - Printable Version

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How would you respond to a message on facebook like this one I just received? - Emma - 12-06-2012 07:48 AM

This was from some total random guy.

"Err hi...I think you might have gone to my elementary school because you look real famaliar and I know you from somewhere but I can't rememember >< Lol well I'm trying as hard as I can not to seem like some creepy stalker, We don't have any mutual friends so that sort of brings down chances that I knew you =/ I know I don't really have many facebook pics they are all mostly way too old.. I can't say for sure you're the same person I knew or not,but its just sort of bugging me because you look so famaliar! hopefuly this doesn't seem THAT strange to you =l

He's the same age as me (15) and he's really cute from the pictures I've seen, he lives in the same city as me...And another very strange thing is that on my facebook profile I have it set as looking for:A relationship, as well as his ALSO says looking for"a relationship"

Thought it was kinda fishy at first, I'm going to reply to him right now =)

If you received the same message in my situation, how would you reply? what would you think?

And yes he's not a pervert serial killer or anything, he has over 400 friends on his list and more than half are from high schools in our area.

- punydad791 - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

Ask a friend from the area about him.

- Angela - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

Ask which school he went to.

- Ayee She Bad ! - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

i would respond with

what is your name?
and what school did you go to?

- don't give out any of your Information
and just keep the message you send to him simple

and if you do find out that you know him, i guess you can talk but i still wouldn't give him all your information

- I can drive! - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

"What elementry school did you go to?"

Once I got a random friend request on myspace, and I sent a message who they are and how did they know me, it turned out to be one of my best friends from elementry school.

- Juana M - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

It is Just a message wth???
Y be so uptight about it he is not a stalker Just say idk but wanna talk??
Its not rocket science

- d.j. 2 - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

If a person asks you what school, etc. you went can help them narrow down the area in which you live in. You have to be aware of the potential of this being an online predator. It's sort of like gambling, you increase your chances with if he has over 400 friends, he's just increasing his chances of finding that "one". If you must respond, ask for his personal info w/o sharing yours.

- Cori - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

well i would question him and get to know him better. and not give out any personal information.

- nanaofrhianna2001 - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

How do you KNOW he's NOT a pervert serial killer or anything? You admit you don't know him. And just because someone has over 400 friends on their list doesn't mean they aren't a pervert serial killer. People can post just about anything on the worldwide web and do one of two things...either they post the truth about themselves or they lie.
It's your decision/choice to figure out whether he's lying or telling the truth. Are you sure you want to take that chance?

- baby boy 3.17.09 - 12-06-2012 07:56 AM

maybe look through your old yearbooks or ask your old elementary friends if they know him. don't tell him any personal info just in case he is a creepy stalker person.