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GIRLS would you be mad? - Printable Version

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GIRLS would you be mad? - Amy - 12-06-2012 08:08 AM

If your boyfriend had another girl in his profile picture?
I know this is dumb. and i feel like a psycho bitch. but weve been together over a year, most of it long distance. so i dont get to be there for most of his life. but he talks about how girls in his chemistry class flirt with him. I dont really get upset, because i know confidently how he feels about me, and hes certainly proven loyalty. But would you be mad if the girl he talks about all the time, and admits to being attracted to, suddenly is in his facebook profile picture? or is it just me?
like not even a good picture. just poor lighting and him holding a camera on the 2 of them
i mean i should add that he doesnt talk about her *constantly*. more like hell mention her, but often in ways that im like "and youre telling meee why?" i know him well enough to not be paranoid about him cheating on me. hes given me plenty of reason to trust him. and i know he gets along well with girls, considering he has 2 sisters. so i just dont want to be overreacting. but still...

- Madam M - 12-06-2012 08:16 AM

I would. I seen my ex in photos with girls all the time, but he always explained them so I never had a reason to be jealous. Smile

- mrs__songz - 12-06-2012 08:16 AM

Ya because your his girlfriend he shouldn't be talking about other girls constantly and having pictures of her on his profile and if hes attracted tp her you better fix your relationship..before you know it she might have your guy

- Miranda - 12-06-2012 08:16 AM

I don't think I would adress the situation as mad. Hurt, upset, or uneasy; yes. I would confront him about it...especially if he has admitted to being attracted to her. Although, I highly advise you to bring it up lightly and not put pressure on him or get distressed. That could cause other issues between the two of you. You don't want him to start pushing away. Anyways, I hope everything goes well. Best of luck for the two of you!

- ❀nica❀ - 12-06-2012 08:16 AM

you betcha i'd be mad........kill him and ask questions later.