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What phone should I get? - Printable Version

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What phone should I get? - Anna - 12-06-2012 08:26 AM

At the moment I have a GT E1080 which is practical, but I want something a bit more modern.

I need a phone that's not too big and wont break if I drop it. I'd like to have Facebook on it but I'm not too fussed about games. Also I'd like to be able to use it as an IPod. Finally, not too expensive!!


- Mackenzie - 12-06-2012 08:34 AM

Iphone 4/ 4s (they wouldnt be as expensive as iphone 5)
Samsuns galaxy 551( i have it , its not bad)
Samsung galaxy s3
Htg wildflower i think its called( a lot of my friemds have it) is it htg idkkk..
Theres lg ones too...

- Chloe - 12-06-2012 08:34 AM

A HTC, Samsung or iPhone would work!

- Rarity - 12-06-2012 08:34 AM

If you don't want it too expensive, get the iphone 4s. My friend dropped hers from a 20 foot balcony into a muddy puddle and it didn't even do anything. She threw her phone onto the concrete ground and it didn't do anything besides having the screen turn blue for a second. She threw it against a wall and it didn't do anything. Plus there are many different cases for it, like the indestructible otterbox.

- Scarlett - 12-06-2012 08:34 AM

Amazon Top Holiday deals are crazy... Make sure you don't miss it.

Me and