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NO ONE IS ANSWERING!!! Please help me with him? I'll answer yours!!? - Printable Version

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NO ONE IS ANSWERING!!! Please help me with him? I'll answer yours!!? - Darlene B. - 12-06-2012 09:15 AM

I can't get him off of my mind. I have NO way of contacting him until September of next year. My friend and him doesn't talk anymore.

We were shy. He always stares at me, he smiles at me sometimes, he goes in my personal space, he gets shy around me/acts different around. he tried to make me jealous, he stood up for me once, we always lock eyes (his eyes dilate, 3seconds-1minute), he's been doing that for 7 months. My friend knows him and she asked him who does he like and he said that the girl went to a different school(so I thought it was me)my friend: do you know(my name), she likes you?(she described how I looked) him: no , who the hell is she?(he was around people when he said that.) Now it's a new school year and we go to different schools;I'm going to his high school next year. the last time I saw him, he looked at me like he was frustrated and then he looked like he was going to cry.I added him on Facebook, but he hasn't accepted it yet; he was on Facebook 2weeks ago;SOMEONE posted a girls' name on his wall, he posted:who is this? Get off my account, i dont use it. so did he ever see my friend request? Was he trying to tell me something?

- Caroline - 12-06-2012 09:23 AM

idk sorry

- Claire - 12-06-2012 09:23 AM

He's giving you hints that he's trying not to lead you on. He probably doesn't like you cuz if he did, he would be proud of it and say so in front of people/ his friends. Find a new priority. I'm not saying to go after every guy that flirts with you, but baby steps on new people. Just be friends with him because it'll be awkward when you meet him again.