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How to grow some balls? - Printable Version

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How to grow some balls? - Albert - 12-06-2012 10:44 AM

Here's the thing. There's this guy, Ewan, who I really like. I'm gay. Ewan might be attracted to me too. To quote one Y! Answer:
"Honestly, the best thing to do (in my opinion) would be to go up to him face-to-face and ask him if he's attracted to you. Speculation does NOTHING. It really seems to me that he is in fact attracted to you. If not, then this Ewan guy just sounds like a big closet case."
I was going to give Ewan a letter that says how I feel but another Y! Answerer said I should grow some balls and just go and ask him in person. No :stupid letters".
But how could I do this? The only time I'd be able to ask him is during or before class. People would hear and while they accept me being gay, I wouldn't want to make anything awkward for him. And how do I work up the courage?
Should I stick to the letter or what? Please help.

Thanks Big Grin

- lulio907 - 12-06-2012 10:52 AM

Balls are good for one thing: Procreation.

Honestly, do what is most comfortable for you. If that means messaging him on Facebook, then do it. At least you're actually coming forward and asking. Sometimes asking in person can just be awkward. Here's how the situation goes:
Do you like me?
Uh... What? I'm not gay.
Oh. Okay. Bye.


Do you like me?
Uh... What? Uhm...
Oh. Okay. Bye.


Do you like me?
Uh... What? Sort of...
Oh. Cool. I like you too. Bye.

Do what you feel like... I honestly think letters are a little out of the time period, and make things seem a little more weird, but hey, whatever.

- EaSyLiViNg - 12-06-2012 10:52 AM

Unless you already know he's gay I wouldn't write a letter or message on FB or anything. The reason why is he can show his friends that and you could be setting yourself up for humiliation. That's goes for straight ppl also. There's nothing worst then something that's supposed to be private or personal is blasted to the public. Try asking him to hang out after school and if he accepts when you hang out talk about it.