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How do I get over a boy? - Printable Version

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How do I get over a boy? - Clare - 12-06-2012 12:13 PM

Basically I've known this guy for over 1 year but the first 6 months we got off on the wrong start lets just say he was a huge jerk to me. So 6 months later we start talking again but ever since i first saw him I fell for him. We started talking in february of this year and feelings grew stronger for him. In July time feelings kept getting stronger and he thought he liked me so we were nearly about to go out but he said he didn't like me anymore which was a lie :/ but I was like ok we'll just be friends. But he kept being so horrible to me and we kept fighting and falling out but I always ran back to him. We always made up and it was great etc.

Now I feel like its time to let go. But I don't know how to get over this d*ck that I've liked for soooo long yet he was like a bully to me but I kept ignoring that.. :/ Help me. Give me advice how to stop thinking about him and how to stop loving him!!

Ps we talk 24/7 on facebook; always have.

Thank youSmile

- Joe - 12-06-2012 12:21 PM

Simply get angry at him

- Firefighter #1 - 12-06-2012 12:21 PM

well one of your solutions is fairly simple. See your little PS about the Facebook? Thats where it needs to start. Cut that off because the more you talk the more you will like him. In your case to get over him is to drop him. Basically if dudes gonna be a dick dont be talk to him period. Ignore him, and in the end whatever is going to happen, will eventually happen. Find someone else who isnt a total dick for no reason and be actually happy. Good luck Smile