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will he get mad if i ignore him? - Printable Version

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will he get mad if i ignore him? - =^.^= - 12-06-2012 02:20 PM

will this guy get mad if ignore him? or should i talk to him because i never see him or dont have an oppurtunity? i am girl in this situation. lets say hes lead her on in the past and shes trying to avoid him and he walks past the table she sit at at lunch when he could take the other way, and he sits at a table next to her two times. He doesnt like her he rejected her and she was clingy but then she stopped. and hes even told his friend he was gay. So why would he do this?
And he likes a lot of girls not just her. But she ignores him. They have no contact either no facebook, phone email, or any classes together. Its his fault though.
Why would he do this to her?????

Plus a few weeks ago this girl who I don't know has been posting photos and my crush has been liking them and he said love how ou keep takin these photos. But she tags a lot of boys on her pics I guess he likes her more and shes Asian too so figures. I'm no racist AT ALL or anything. But it make me sad
I cry sorta alot about this .... I just want a friend back but then I like him I just miss the whole friendship or whatever it was
Will he say sorry get it if I ignore him what are the consequences of ignoring too.

- Steven - 12-06-2012 02:28 PM

To many questions. It Depends on the person, he will get impatient if you don't respond as quick as possible. Which a lot of guys hate.

- Stice - 12-06-2012 02:28 PM

youll have to see ,but if he does ,just shrug him off

- Cezar S - 12-06-2012 02:28 PM

first: no way, he will not miss you
second: asians are hot

- Shriekingtramp249 - 12-06-2012 02:28 PM

I think you're being too sensitive and looking at this way too broadly. You mentioned you are trying to avoid him, but you're also worried about how he feels about you. Why would it matter if you're trying to not have anything to do with him? Sit at another lunch table if you have to. And as far as the photos are concerned, who cares if he likes them or comments? That doesn't mean anything. You don't know all the facts here and are just jumping to conclusions and deciding for him on how he feels about you and other people. If you're not comfortable around him, then try to create distance and don't pay so much attention to him on Facebook.

- Santosh - 12-06-2012 02:28 PM

if he is with u 4 month together.then he will surely ....try 2 understand his love

- Eric Pearson - 12-06-2012 02:28 PM

..I am hope I got you right..but a little pretend to ignore at times is helpful. I will say it can be the gage to measure the fairs, and the strengt of the relationship upon a person. But I will advise, do not over do it since it seeks to make investegate and leave the person upon worry.
consequencies may be anong others, You may lost your good relatiohsip.